9. Òran mu leanabh òg - Rev Peter Grant

Angel Baby Stuart Jackson Marach Album by Clachan Music on the Isle of Skye

English Translation

Original Gaelic

’S leanabh sòlasach mi, glè òg chaidh à tìm,
Chaidh mo threòrach on chìch don uaigh;
’S ged bu ghoirid mo thìm, gabhail fradharc den tìr,
’S mòr th’ agam ri innse don t-sluagh.

Nach b’ e an teachdair’ gun truas, a thug leis mi cho luath,
On bhroilleach san d’ fhuair mi blàths.
Don bhanaltram fhuar, ris an can iad an uaigh,
Cha b’ aithne dhi truas no blàths.

Bha mi ’m chadal gu blàth, ann am fasgadh mo mhàthar,
Is ga mo phasgadh ’s a làmh fo mo cheann,
Nuair thàinig teachdair’ on bhàs, thuirt gun siùbhlainn gun dàil,
’S nach robh fuireach no tàmh dhomh ann.

Dhùisg mo mhàthair le gaoir, ’s thuirt i “M’ àilleagan gaoil,
Ciod dh’fhairich thu? Chan fhaod thu falbh.”
’S rinn i mo ghreimeadh cho teann, ’s cha bhitheadh an dealachadh ann,
Ged bha mo chridhe cho fann ’s mi balbh.

’S nuair dhùin iad mo shùil, thàinig ainglean na cùirt,
’S thug iad mise leo cho dlùth ’s cho luath,
’S ann am priobadh na sùl’, bha gach nì dhomh cho ùr.
’S ann bha mise an Ierusalem shuas.

’S ann san àit’ seo tha ghlòir, tha na sràidean den òr,
’S meas a’ fàs de gach seòrsa gu buan;
’S bithidh sinn gu sìorraidh ag òl, às na h-aibhnichean beò,
’S an gaol bith-bhuan ga dhòrtadh nuas.





I am a content child,
Very young departed,
I was guided from the breast to the grave;
And although my time was short,
Taking in this land,
I have a lot to say.

Incompassionate was the messenger,
That took me away so swiftly,
From the bosom from which I received warmth,
And took me to the cold wet-nurse,
To whom they refer to as the grave,
She who has never known compassion or warmth.

I was warmly sleeping,
In my mother’s protective hold,
Enfolding me with her hand under my head,
When the messenger came from death,
And said without delay or grace,
That there was no waiting or resting for me.

My mother awoke with a painful cry,
And she said “My beloved wee jewel,
What did you perceive? You cannot depart.”
And she gripped me so tightly,
In order that there would be no parting,
Although my heart was so weak and I silent.

And when they closed over my eyes,
The angels descended,
And they took me so swiftly with them,
In the blink of an eye,
Everything was new to me
And I was above in Jerusalem.

It is in this place that glory is found,
The streets are of gold,
And fruit of every kind perpetually grows;
And we will eternally drink,
From the lively rivers,
Everlasting love raining down from above.


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Angel Baby Stuart Jackson Marach Album by Clachan Music on the Isle of Skye
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Angel Baby Stuart Jackson Marach Album by Clachan Music on the Isle of Skye
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Angel Baby Stuart Jackson Marach Album by Clachan Music on the Isle of Skye
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Angel Baby Stuart Jackson Marach Album by Clachan Music on the Isle of Skye
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