5. Mo gleannan taobh Loch Lìobhann
- Sandy Rankin

Piper from Stuart Jacksons Gaelic album
Marach album artwork by Stuart Jackson Gaelic music

English Translation

Original Gaelic

There are small, pretty glens in the Highlands I love,
Where I was brought up and raised,
In which the best choir in the world can be heard
Like the Lark, the Blackbird and the Thrush

The fragrant scent of the heather comes across the hilltops,
And you'll see the red stag in the forest there
And should you travel throughout Scotland you'ld not see one glen
that's as beautiful as my glen by Loch Leven.

Oh it's a pity I'm not in the little glen that I love,
for God's blessings and peace are there.
The rivers and woods are the most beautiful in the world
in the little glen I love by Loch Leven.

On the little green field that was mown with a scythe
the lads will be competing there with their shinty sticks
and there isn't a team in the great county of Argyll
that is as agile as the men by Loch Leven.

There are people so kind and so friendly in the glen
that there's no reason to be sad or weary there;
and as long as Gaelic is being written with pens
I'll be praising my glen by Loch Leven.



Tha gleannan beag bòidheach an Gàidhealtachd mo ghaoil
Far an d’ fhuair mise m’ àrach ’s mo threòrach
Anns an cluinnear a’ chòisir as binn’ air an t-saoghal
Mar tha ’n uiseag, an lon-dubh ’s an smeòrach

Fàile cùbhraidh an fhraoich tighinn thar mullach nam beann
Agus chì thu ’n damh ruadh air an fhrìth ann
’S ged shiùbhladh tu Alba chan fhaic thu aon ghleann
Tha cho bòidheach ri m’ ghleann taobh Loch Lìobhann

O ’s truagh nach robh mis’ ann an gleannan mo ghaoil
Oir tha beannachadh Dhè agus sìth ann
Tha na h-aibhnean ’s na coilltean as bòidhch’ air an t-saoghal
Ann an gleannan mo ghaoil taobh Loch Lìobhann

Air an achadh bheag uaine chaidh lomadh le fàl
Bidh na gillean le ’n camain a’ strì ann
’S chan eil buidheann an siorramachd mhòr Earra Ghàidheal
Tha cho clis ris na suinn taobh Loch Lìobhann

Tha daoine cho coibhneil ’s cho càirdeil sa ghleann
’S chan eil adhbhar bhith dubhach no sgìth ann
Ach cho fhad ’s a bhios Gàidhlig ga sgrìobhadh le peann
Bidh mi moladh mo ghleann taobh Loch Lìobhann




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Piper from Stuart Jacksons Gaelic album
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Piper from Stuart Jacksons Gaelic album
Marach album artwork by Stuart Jackson Gaelic music
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Piper from Stuart Jacksons Gaelic album
Marach album artwork by Stuart Jackson Gaelic music
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