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2. Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean - Traditional

English Translation

Original Gaelic

Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean
Gur òg thug mi mo ghealladh dhut,
Nam faighinn thu le òrdugh clèir
Chan iarrainn sprèidh no fearann leat.Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean.

Sgrìob thug mi dhan bhaile seo
Cha robh an sgrìob ud aithreadh leam,
Air a’ mhaighdinn tha mi ’n tòir
’S cha chùm an t-òr mo leannan uam.Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean.

Mo nighean donn nach èist thu rium
’S gun inns mi pàirt dom sgeula dhut,
Ma tha do chridh’ a rèir do bheòil
A chaoidh rim bheò cha trèiginn thu.
Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean.

Innsidh mi mar chuala mi
Mar tha gaol nan gruagaichean,
Mar shruthan bras a’ ruith gu cas
’S gum mair e greis ’s gum fuaraich e.
Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean.

’S mura bheil e ’n òrdugh dhuinn
Cha chuir an saoghal còmhla sinn,
’S ge b’ e fear a gheibh air làimh thu
Guidheam slàint’ is sòlas dha.
Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean.

Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean
Gur òg thug mi mo ghealladh dhut,
Nam faighinn thu le òrdugh clèir
Chan iarrainn sprèidh no fearann leat.
Mo nighean donn nam meall-shùilean.



My brown-haired girl of the alluring eyes
It was young I gave my vow to you
If I could have you by order of the clergy
I would not ask for livestock or land as a dowry
My brown-haired girl of the alluring eyes

I took a trip to this place
I do not regret it
I am seeking the girl
And gold could not keep from my sweetheart
My brown-haired girl of the alluring eyes

O my brown-haired girl, won’t you listen to me
And I will tell you part of my tale?
If your heart is as your mouth
Never, for as long as I live, will I forsake you
My brown-haired girl of the alluring eyes

I will say what I have heard
About the love of females:
Like a swift stream running steeply
It will endure for a time and then grow cold
My brown-haired girl of the alluring eyes

And if it is not ordained for us
The world will not bring us together
To whichever man gets your hand
I wish health and happiness
My brown-haired girl of the alluring eyes

My brown-haired girl of the alluring eyes
It was young I gave my vow to you
If I could have you by order of the clergy
I would not ask for livestock or land as a dowry
My brown-haired girl of the alluring eyes



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Clachan music support Gaelic musicians from the West Coast of Scotland to promote their work to a global audience.


Clachan Music, 3 Fletcher Place, Portree IV51 9BQ

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