Come here over the pass to my dear village,
Come here across the pass to the little valley in the kyle,
You'll get a greeting and a welcome and unthinkable joy
From the people who dwell in the village I love.
You'll see the lovely glens and the eternal mountains;
Every stream and rivulet rushing headlong to the sea;
The deer will be on the peaks and sheep on the fields,
And it would be my wish to live in my dear village.
My dear village is the beautiful land that I love,
Every hill and knoll is covered with heather,
Houses thatched with rushes and heaps of peats beside them,
And there is a greeting in every shieling in the village I love.
Though I turned my back on you, village I love,
My thoughts go to you unthinkably often,
To where I got my upbringing amongst generous hearted friends,
Oh farewell to them all and to the village I love.
Thig a-nall thar a’ bhealaich gu clachan mo ghaoil,
Thig a-nall thar a’ bhealaich gu gleannan a’ chaoil,
Gheibh thu fàilt’ agus furan is aighear nach saoil
Bhon mhuinntir tha còmhnuidh an clachan mo ghaoil.
Chì thu gleanntan beag bòidheach is beanntan tha buan;
Tha gach allt agus caochan gu mall ruith gu cuan;
Bidh na fèidh air na mullaich is caoraich air raoin,
’S bu mhiann leam bhith fuireach an clachan mo ghaoil.
’S e tìr àlainn mo chridh-sa tha ’n clachan mo ghaoil
Tha gach cnoc agus tulach air an còmhdach le fraoch,
Taighean tughte le luachair ’s cruach mhòine ri’n taobh,
’S tha fàilt’ anns gach àirigh an clachan mo ghaoil.
’S ged a chuir mi mo chùl riut a chlachain mo ghaoil
Bidh mo smuaintean triall thugad aig àman nach saoil,
Far an d’ fhuair mise m’ àrach measg chàirdean làn faoil,
O soraidh dhaibh uile ’s do chlachan mo ghaoil.