1. Nach gòrach mi gad chaoineadh - attributed to William Ross

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English Translation

Original Gaelic

Nach gòrach mi gad chaoineadh
’s nach caoineadh tu mi
’S ro ghòrach thug mi gaol dhut,
’s gum faod thu bhith gam dhìth.
Ma bheir fear eile bhuam thu
nach truagh a bhios mi.

O ’s fheudar dhomh bhith beò
ged nach pòsadh tu mi.
Ged gheibhinn san Roinn Eòrpa
’s na bheil de stòras innt’.
Ged gheibhinn siud air m’ òrdugh is àite còmhnaidh innt’,
Ged dh’ èibhteadh am dhiùc mi
’s ged chrùinteadh mi am Rìgh.
O b’ fheàrr a bhith riut pòsta
mur diùltadh tu mi.

Mo chridhe cha dèan èirigh
ged dh’ èistinn ri ceòl.
M’ aigne chan eil aotrom ged
’s fheudar dhomh bhith beò.
Tha leann-dubh air m’ aodann
’s mi daonnan fo bhròn
O b’ fheàrr mun tug mi gaol dhut bhith ’n ciste chaol nam bòrd.

Nach gòrach mi gad chaoineadh
’s nach caoineadh tu mi
’S ro ghòrach thug mi gaol dhut,
’s gum faod thu bhith gam dhìth.
Ma bheir fear eile bhuam thu
nach truagh a bhios mi.
O b’ fheàrr a bhith san uaigh
na thu luaidh, bhith gam dhìth.




Am I not foolish weeping for you when you do not weep for me.
So foolishly I fell in love with you, only for you to forsake me.
If another man takes you from me how wretched I will be.
Oh, I still have to live even though you would not marry me.

Though I should win Europe and all the wealth that it contains.
Though I should command all that, and a dwelling place too.
Though I were proclaimed a Duke, or crowned a King,
Oh, I would rather be married to you if only you had not refused me.

My heart does not rise up even when I listen to music.
My spirit is not light though I have to keep on living.
My face is marked with sorrow and I am sad all the time-
Oh better, before I fell in love with you, if I had been placed in a narrow coffin.

Am I not foolish weeping for you when you do not weep for me.
So foolishly I fell in love with you, only for you to forsake me.
If another man takes you from me how wretched I shall be.
Oh, it were better to be in the grave than to be without you, my darling.



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Marach the debut album by Gaelic singer Stuart Jackson track 1 image
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Marach the debut album by Gaelic singer Stuart Jackson track 1 image
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